Tag: sleep

Mother’s Moon Mylk

I see you Mumma, you are tired and feeling it. You are needing some grounding, some time to restore. Well, I can’t give you time but I can give you grounding and start restoring those tired adrenals of yours. Grab the ingredients and create a little healthy routine to start […]

A Good Night Sleep

Sleep plays a significant role in our health, the importance of which is often undervalued especially when we have a good sleep. Sleep is the time when the body has the opportunity to refocus energy into processing the day’s information, lowering our cortisol levels and releasing anti-inflammatory cytokines for healing […]

Introducing AHARA HEALTH Elixir Powders

For the past year i’ve had reoccurring thoughts, how can we make health more accessible? more affordable? more achievable? and then it hit us . . . but first a back story… if you are a client of mine, you know how passionate I am about herbal medicine and the […]

Natural Tricks to a Good Nights Sleep

Everyone needs a good and restful night sleep, adults require 7 – 8 hours sleep (good sleep) per night! Our body is very active at night time, while we sleep our body is balancing hormones, creating new hormones, repairing and making new cells, cleaning toxins, waste and can even reduce risk […]