Tag: wholefoods

Spinach + Leek Frittata

I opened the fridge and stared into its depths… yep there is simply nothing, nothing at all. Ok so perhaps it was more that I wasn’t in the mood to cook, or that I was so hungry that I couldn’t wait to eat or that I just wanted to go […]

Winters First Aid Kit

Oh Autumn, there you are! It took some time to get to us but this cold wet and autumn day has finally arrived – and this usually comes with the arrival of other things… sore throats, coughs and colds. Our immune system is a wondrous thing and there are simple […]

Golden Turmeric Milk

I adore turmeric, I love finding it in the local markets and taking it home to create delicious curries, warming teas and tasty dips. Turmeric has a mild taste and vibrant colour which boasts delicious health benefits! You can find turmeric in my pantry and fridge ready to be enjoyed, […]